FRIB-TA meetings

FRIB-TA Meetings

Latest FRIB-TA Meeting

FRIB Theory Alliance Annual Meeting August 7-9, 2024 at LECM

The 2024 annual Low Energy Community Meeting took place at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville 7-9 August.

The FRIB-TA annual meeting was followed by a late-afternoon plenary session, with further plenary sessions on Friday, August 9. Particular highlights were the presentations of the FRIB Early Achievement Awards to Chloë Heborn (MSU/FRIB) and Tim Grey (Univ of Tenn), and Director Jon Engel’s plenary talk on FRIB-TA activities & science. See for full information on the plenary talks and the other Working Groups.

Past FRIB-TA Meetings

FRIB Theory Alliance Annual Meeting August 9-11, 2023 at LECM

The 2023 annual Low Energy Community Meeting took place in person at Michigan State University from 9-11 August.

The FRIB-TA annual meeting was followed by a late-afternoon plenary session, with further plenary sessions on Friday, August 11. Particular highlights were the presentations of the FRIB Early Achievement Awards to Kyle Godbey (MSU/FRIB) and Katharina Domnanich, and Director Saori Pastore’s plenary talk on FRIB-TA activities & science. See for full information on the plenary talks and the other Working Groups.

FRIB-TA Annual Meeting August 8-10, 2022 at LECM

Presentations from the FRIB TA Bridge and Fellows

Filomena Nunes, FRIB-TA Managing Director (MSU/FRIB) FRIB Theory Alliance and NP long range plan

FRIB-TA Annual Meeting was held on August 9-11, 2021 at LECM
Presentations from the FRIB TA Bridges and Fellows

FRIB-TA Annual Meeting was held on August 10, 2020 at LECM
Presentations from the FRIB TA Bridges and Fellows
Updates on the nuclear force, Maria Piarulli (WashU)
Ab-initio nuclear matter EOS, Diego Lonardoni (LANL/MSU)
Nuclear structure for Ovßß, Saori Pastore (WashU)
Alpha clustering and nuclear forces, Kevin Fossez (ANL/MSU)
Reactions with rare isotopes, Chloë Hebborn (LLNL/MSU)
Quantifying uncertainties in the nuclear-matter equation of state, Christian Drischler (MSU)
FRIB-TA Annual Meeting August, 2019 at LECM
The FRIB-TA Annual Meeting will take place concurrently with the Low Energy Community Meeting (LECM) that has already been scheduled to take place August 8-10, 2019 at the TUNL area (either at the UNC campus or downtown Durham). This will give us the opportunity to stay in tune with the important experimental developments and continue to foster a close interplay between theory and experiment. Further details on the meeting will be forthcoming, but in the meantime please plan accordingly so we can have an engaging representation of our membership at the LECM.
FRIB-TA Annual Meeting August 10, 2018 at LECM
The FRIB-TA Annual Meeting took place concurrently with the Low Energy Community Meeting on the 10th of August, 2018 in East Lansing. FRIB-TA members participated in the morning plenary session, which is joint with the Nuclear Structure 2018 conference, and then held a break out in the afternoon with the FRIB-TA meeting. This contained a first session with reports from the various committees and a second part with the science highlights of those activities the FRIB-TA is directly supporting. Other details are at the LECM Program. FRIB-TA Annual Meeting Agenda.
FRIB-TA Annual Meeting August 2-4, 2017 at LECM
The FRIB-TA Annual Meeting was held on August 3 and 4 during the Low Energy Community Meeting (LECM) at Argonne National Laboratory (full program).
On the afternoon of Wednesday, August 2 the FRIB Day 1 Science workshop explored the reach and nature of programs possible with early FRIB beams and the theory in support of these programs. Many FRIB-TA members contributed input to the talks by the speakers/conveners.  
The FRIB-TA Annual Meeting on August 3 included the FRIB-TA Town Meeting (slides), talks by FRIB-TA Fellows Diego Lonardoni (slides) and Gregory Potel (slides) and discussions of FRIB Day-1 topics based on material presented at the FRIB Day-1 Science Workshop and FRIB-TA contributions to the FRIB Day-1 science program (slides). Witek Nazarewicz gave a summary of the FRIB-TA Annual Meeting to the entire LECM on August 4.
  • The inaugural meeting of the FRIB Theory Alliance marking the creation of the FRIB-TA was held on March 31 and April 1, 2016 at Michigan State University. It was very well attended, with many FRIB-TA members present and others observing by videocast. The meeting agenda featured excellent speakers (slides) and discussion of the FRIB-TA charter (which was ratified by the community) and FRIB-TA initiatives.